by fefeximp | Mar 20, 2020
operative CONTENITORI UNIVERSALI EVO A complete set of cabinets to be easily integrated with the full range of Las Mobili products, thanks to finishing’s transversality that allows any combination. Kontaktirajte nas OpiskarakteristikeBojeStakloMetalPlatno A...
by fefeximp | Mar 20, 2020
operative UP Creativity and Innovation by LAS, all inside the new versatile and multifunctional office system.Made for highest professional environments, we are proud to present “UP”. Sleek, classy and business-oriented work tables and desks, with...
by fefeximp | Mar 20, 2020
operative 5TH ELEMENT Today there are many ways of working. Together to increase the resources, withdrawn to be more concentrated, meeting to share. Bench, Desking and System of 5th Element offer the proper answer to anyone of this needs completely and perfectly, to...
by fefeximp | Mar 20, 2020
operative OXI OXI optimizes workspace meeting both the individual requirements of each worker as well as the overall organization’s functional job tasks. Especially created to provide the modern office with maximum flexibility, which permits ongoing redesign and...
by fefeximp | Mar 20, 2020
executive ENOSI EVO Enosi je inspiriran modernim modelom menadžmenta: elegantan, ali ne statičan; efikasan i reprezentativan, uvijek dinamičan. Modularnost, materijali i dizajn čine Enosi najmodernijim i najsavremenijim rješenjem za poslovni svijet, koji je danas...
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